When you have Something is Say, Silence is a Lie.

Sup, so today was cool? Idk how I feel about it (I do know).

My focus of the day was on one thing, writing. I carried my bookbag that held my laptop, kindle, drawing book, pencil pouch, and laptop charger. I did leave my phone at the guest house in the morning, but I picked it late afternoon today…. It’s a fucking drug we inject by giving it attention.

I can’t let go of it, I constantly want to post?????? (is this because of my mental illiness (Major Depression and ADHD), i don’t remember my phone being so addicting least year, I feel conditioned, and controled.

Why? This is quite odd. And the pathetic thing about it is that I delete the picture OR story within 15 minutes of posting them. Even if it took 45 minutes to write down a caption (btw, I can fucking articulate with captions?????? Like???? I end up writing something and there is always an uncharacteristic grammar error (freudian slip?)) that I end up rewriting because I made a grammar mistake (lol).

The solution was quite simple however,

I turned it off and did something else.

A Day so intensely introverted that I became an Extrovert towards myself.

(think about that heading btw, it has depth)

So today I was a super Introvert (When last night was an outgoing extrovert (may write about it later? (no I wont)) It may have been because of the

  • A. lot of medication
  • B. I was hung over and hungry
  • C.


I stood up for my beliefs today. Well, it happened last night with Neil, Jacob’s father (I am a guest at their lake house this weekend, for some context for context sake)

He was watching Fox 5 news and they were discussing the Canadian ruling of a Transgender woman is woman………………..

Im tired.

I may write what we debated about later? (lol (no))

The point is, I stood up for my beliefs, inside myself, and projected it outwardly,

and I loved the manner in which I did.

I was steadfast, smart, and I was able to grasp his perspective without resent, and spoke, most importantly, in the moment, the entire time (until I realized I was too drunk when I confused myself with my own question)

I was able to stand up to an individual I was normally silent to.


It’s like what Jordan Peterson said, “if you have something to say, silence is a lie.”

(I have no shame for this ^ nor do I know how it will look so fuck it, let’s see what happens with this new thing they added to this site)

With Love and Sincerity,

Jose Michael Rubio

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