Thoughts of the Morning- March 19th, 2022 | Two Selves United

Positive Thoughts of the Morning: this week, I integrated my two selves: you see, my perception of myself was split into pre-hospitalization Jose, the “Ultimate” version (intact, perfect, everything I wanted to be (so I thought)), and the post-hospitalization Jose, the “Downgrade” version (divided, flawed, everything I ever despised (again, so I thought)). One ofContinue reading “Thoughts of the Morning- March 19th, 2022 | Two Selves United”

Thoughts of the Morning- March 16th, 2022 | So.

My goodness, I am exhausted yet not tired. Twisted combination. It’s 5:12 as I am writing these Thoughts of the Morning. So. What to write; what are you reading? (That’s a loop.) Anyways: I hope you have a wonderful day. With love and sincerity, Jose Michael Rubio

Thoughts of the Morning- March 15th, 2022 | when does night become morning?

It’s 4:11 am (eastern time), so it’s definitely morning, but not night; that’s a thought: when does night become morning? I woke around 2:30 am (I had trouble sleeping the past two days), and I still considered it nighttime. As I was listening to my routine motivational YouTube video then singing bowls, it happened toContinue reading “Thoughts of the Morning- March 15th, 2022 | when does night become morning?”