Thoughts of the Morning- March 11th, 2022 | Your Thoughts of the Morning

It’s the Thoughts of the Morning with your writer: Jose. The question to you is: what are your thoughts of the morning? What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? [This morning, it was a dream that quickly vanished, but its essence lingers.] With love and sincerity, Jose Michael Rubio

Thoughts of the Morning- March 9th, 2022 | The 1%

Check the time (eastern time): It’s time for Thoughts of the Morning. Well. Know that if you strive to be one percent better than you were yesterday, you’ll have a successful day. That is all. With love and sincerity, Jose Michael Rubio

Thoughts of the Morning- March 6th, 2022 | Untitled

It’s Sunday Morning, and you know what that means: Thoughts of the Morning! So tomorrow marks the first month of my relationship with my girlfriend, we have been dating since December. That’s all I want to say. With love and sincerity, Jose Michael Rubio

Thoughts of the Morning- March 5th, 2022 | Dream

Ey YOO! It’s the Thoughts of the Morning, with your writer: Jose. Dreams: the unconscious imaginative story cooked up while sleeping. … Okay, now I am too tired to write the rest. With love and sincerity, Jose Michael Rubio

Thoughts of the Morning- March 4th, 2022 | Everything is Timing

Greets, Thoughts of the Morning to y’all. Let’s begin: Seriously: begin. What are you waiting for, the right time? There is no such thing, but timing is everything. Where am I going with this? Well, the question should be: where are you going with your time. With love and sincerity, Jose Michael Rubio

Thoughts of the Morning- March 3rd, 2022 | Subconscious Interpretation of Unconcious Behaviors

Well, this is the Thoughts of the Morning where I write whatever (ever!) comes to mind. So, what is coming to my mind? What thoughts are entering and leaving this brain? What are your thoughts? Can we share thoughts? We can; do it in every social situation by our subconscious interpretation of unconscious behaviors. However,Continue reading “Thoughts of the Morning- March 3rd, 2022 | Subconscious Interpretation of Unconcious Behaviors”