13. The Momentum Creates the Art, not the Initial Inspiration: “Crack the Whip”

The highlights and notes are derived from Section III: Chapter 13 of the Book, The Heart to Start, by David Kadavy. Let’s give ourselves permission to Begin: When you find yourself in the thickness of pursuing a goal or dream, stop only to rest. Momentum builds success. Suzy Kassem “It’s hard to believe, but that’sContinue reading “13. The Momentum Creates the Art, not the Initial Inspiration: “Crack the Whip””

11. Make Something, become Bold, and, most Importantly, “Give yourself Permission to Suck”

Let’s grant ourselves permission to begin: Opening Quote: I’m frightened all the time. But I never let it stop me. Never! Georgia O’Keeffe This is referring to David creating his Blog, “Without [my first, terrible post] post, I never would have written the next post, or the post after that, or the post after that.”Continue reading “11. Make Something, become Bold, and, most Importantly, “Give yourself Permission to Suck””

9. Tell me One Thing that you’ve Learned from Scrolling through Insta Last Week. “Inflating the Investment”

The highlights and notes are derived from Section III: Chapter 9 of the Book, The Heart to Start, by David Kadavy. Opening Quote, We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out. Ray Bradbury This up coming passion may relate toContinue reading “9. Tell me One Thing that you’ve Learned from Scrolling through Insta Last Week. “Inflating the Investment””

8. The Difference between a Big Dream and The Big Dream, “The Fortress Fallacy.”

The Opening quote: To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act Anatole France There is a difference between The Big Dream and a big dream The definition of “The Fortress Fallacy“: “When we set out to do something, we naturally picture something big and grand, even if we have no experience atContinue reading “8. The Difference between a Big Dream and The Big Dream, “The Fortress Fallacy.””

6. Go for the ‘Pump’

(lol, this video nothing to do with the book but everything it has to do with the idea of ‘the pump,’ as a metaphor) These highlights are derived from chapter 6 of the Book, The Heart to Start by David Kadavy Opening quotes: The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference Eli Wiesel “MonotonyContinue reading “6. Go for the ‘Pump’”

5. The Voice

These highlights are derived from Chapter 5 of the Book, The Heart to Start, by David Kadavy. I’ll try my best to condense this chapter, but honestly I find myself highlighting every single letter and space between letters. Opening Quote: If you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it hasContinue reading “5. The Voice”

4. Curiosity First

These highlights and notes are derived from Section II: Chapter 4 of the book The Heart to Start by David Kadavy. Opening Quote: It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength…What is done in love is well done. Vincent Van Gogh “Your will to start making your art has toContinue reading “4. Curiosity First”